Understanding Your Legal Options with the Help of a Lawyer 

Divorce, Alimony, Family Matters & More

If you are unfamiliar with the typical legal terminology used in relation to a divorce proceeding, then a divorce or alimony lawyer may be able to help. Even for those individuals who have been divorced previously, the legal terminology used can be confusing. In part, this is because the divorce process tends to be fraught with high emotions and an array of difficult feelings. When a situation is emotional, it can be difficult for those involved to think clearly. This is very understanding, and experienced legal counsel can help to make sure that the decisions you make will benefit your situation. This is important because every decision could impact your life for many years into the future. 

In the meantime, here are some terms that you may hear from your lawyer during the divorce process:

·         Alimony. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is not granted in every divorce case. When a judge orders one spouse to pay the other spouse alimony, it may be paid in periodic payments or it may be paid in one lump sum. An alimony lawyer can help you negotiate the terms whether they are paid by you or to you.

·         Annulment. This is not a common ruling and is an alternative to divorce. Certain criteria must be met for a court to grant an annulment. Common grounds for an annulment include the absence of consummation during the marriage, lack of mental capacity or consent at time of marriage, or if one of the spouses was already married to someone else.

·         Child support. When children are involved, it’s standard practice for a Judge to order the non-custodial parent to pay the other parent a monthly amount of funds to provide cost of living support for the child. Your lawyer can help negotiate the terms of the child support, and also may include when it will end.

·         Deferred compensation package. Asset distribution is an important aspect of the divorce process. Some assets such as savings and retirement earnings may not be possible to divide between the spouses at the time of the divorce proceeding. In those instances, the assets may fall into deferred compensation status as part of a package. The Judge will determine how they should eventually be distributed post-divorce when those assets become available, usually after retirement.

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