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Back To School Safety Checklist

It’s time for kids to head back to school. It’s an exciting time where parents work to capture memories of their child’s first day. However, while it’s important to enjoy the season, it’s imperative to do so safely.

In this blog post, a car accident lawyer will be reviewing four safety tips for the back to school season.

Online Posts

It’s the time of year where parents use signs to commemorate the first day of school. As cute as the signs are, they give away extremely sensitive information including the child’s name, age, their grade, the name of the school, and the name of the child’s teacher. 

It’s understandable that parents want to record that information. However, if it’s posted on social media, people who may or may not actually know you will then have sensitive information, such as where the child attends and the name of the teacher. 

If you plan to use a back to school sign, leave out the name of the school and the teacher. By protecting information, you could be keeping your child safe from abduction. 

Names On Backpacks 

Since the dawn of backpacks and satchels in school, making sure a person’s bag can be identified has been an issue. Understandably, many parents want to put their child’s name on their backpack. If your child’s first and last name are on the outside, it might make things faster in the classroom, but it could also put your child’s safety at risk when they walk home or carry their backpack from the bus stop. Instead, write their name on the inside back of the backpack. This helps ensure that strangers can’t call your child by their name if they don’t already know it. 

Make Sure Your Teen Driver Has The Proper Insurance

If you have a new driver this school year, it’s time to review your insurance policy as our friends at Herschensohn Law Firm, PLLC would advise. Without proper insurance covering your new driver, it may be harder to successfully bring a personal injury claim if your new driver is behind the wheel during an accident. In addition to insurance that covers your new driver, you may also want to look into obtaining uninsured and underinsured insurance as well. Then, if your child is in a car accident, they have some coverage if the other party has no insurance or not enough insurance. 

Phone Usage At School

Make sure that you understand the school’s cell phone policy. Encourage your child to follow the rules and talk with them about putting their cell phones in their bag or pocket until lunch. Make sure that your child understands that their education is more important than scrolling through social media or texting during the day. And of course, if your child is of driving age, make sure they understand not to text and drive.

These are just a few tips to keep your kids safe, but accidents can still happen. If your child gets injured, contact a lawyer near you for help immediately.